Posted June 14, 2021

NUCA announces Trench Safety Stand Down

2021 Trench Safety Stand Down runs June 14-18, 2021.

What is a Safety Stand Down?
A Safety Stand Down presents the opportunity for employers to talk directly to employees and others about safety. These Stand Downs will focus on trench & excavation hazards and reinforce the importance of using trench protective systems and protecting workers from trenching hazards.

Last year's National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA)-sponsored Trench Safety Stand Down (TSSD) reached 32,000 participants from more than 200 organizations across 3,500 jobsites. This was a great turnout for a year of pandemic, but we can all do better! Let's keep our people safe in the trenches!

How to Conduct a Trench Safety Stand Down
Companies will conduct a Trench Safety Stand Down by taking a break to have a toolbox talk or another safety activity to draw attention to the specific hazards related to working in and around trenches/excavations. We ask that member companies provide to NUCA feedback about their Stand Down, such as when it was held, how many workers participated, how you shared information with employees. NUCA will collect the information, publicize the overall total number of participants, and publish the names of the companies that held a Trench Safety Stand Down. Find the appropriate documentation in the TSSD Forms section below:

Submit Your 2021 Fillable PDF Form to Receive Your Helmet Stickers!

Daily Excavation Checklist

Excavation Trench Safety Presentation

Trench Safety Handout

United Rentals/NUCA TSSD Week Webinar Series

During TSSD Week, United Rentals will be generously hosting a series of webinars covering a range or important trench safety topics.
Download the flyer to read more about the daily webinars and how to register.

National Utility Contractors Association: